Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Fresh Start

So...I fell off the blog wagon and into the abyss this year. After Thanksgiving last year, I was in dire need of a kitchen vacation.  Yes, that's right, a kitchen vacation.  I only cooked a couple dinners that are even worth mentioning--one I will share with you in the next couple of weeks when we Talk Turkey (Leftovers), and for Christmas, I whipped up a batch of coconut macaroons and some fudge for the hostess...that's it. 

Blogging started to feel like homework and writing to an internal deadline just felt more like work than fun, so I decided to lay low.  I have been traveling quite a bit--a little for business, some for pleasure,  which has meant many weekends away.  There's also been a lot of take-out, holiday parties, cocktails, backyard barbecues, family visits and many amazing dinners out with friends.  Meanwhile, my kitchen sat neglected. 

I've been a bit introspective this year and have found myself on my own quite often, which has in some respects, been exactly what I needed.  I've been shooting photos again and am craving an upgrade...if only the money fairy would bless me with the chips to splurge on a DSLR for the holidays.  These aren't great since I don't have the right filters to work with and the light was fickle that morning, but I tried to get some shots of the leaves before Hurricane Sandy blew them all away the very next day.  And since I don't have a recipe to share, I will share these with you instead.

Thankfully, my internal cook is wanting to come out again. I've been taking it slow, building my confidence with some favorites; however, with Thanksgiving coming up next week, things are kicking in to high gear.   

And here I am, yammering on about my absence and pouring my internal voice out to the blogosphere in hopes that I might redeem myself and re-boot this little project.  I'll be back shortly with some new recipes to share and hope you'll be back too.  Thanks for reading...stay tuned!

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